September 2007

Come and join!

SoLo Lives! Ministry presents “OK ba gumimik ang SoLo Christians?

Many singles make marriage their goal in life. Instead, make the calling of Christ the goal of your life. Paul says in Philippians 3:14, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Has marriage become a bigger priority in your life than the calling of Christ? Here are several questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you think about getting married more than you think about your calling in Christ?
  • Do you dream about a mate more then you dream about Christ’s love for you?
  • Are you willing to remain single if that is what God is calling you to do with your life?

Today, examine your heart and ask the Lord to help you press toward the goal of the upward call of God.

We all need time to get away from society and spend time alone with God. Today, plan to take a week of vacation to get away with Christ. Plan to leave your cell phone, television, and computer at home.

You may wish to take some CDs of praise and worship music so that you can have a time of adoration for Christ. Bring a journal to write out your prayers to Him and also to record the answered prayers and messages that He gives you. And don’t forget to just sit and listen to Him at times. As Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God” (KJV).

Seek to rest today.

Many singles can fill their schedules with activities and forget that God calls us to rest, not only physically but also spiritually. In Matthew 11:29, Jesus says, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

If you find that you have a hard time saying “no” to activities, then take out your calendar and schedule a day of rest. Then when you are asked to attend a social gathering, you will already have plans for that night. While resting, spend some time with the Lord. Seek His voice and meditate on His presence. You will find that taking the time to do this will rejuvenate you physically and spiritually.

Use your free time to learn to do something new—like cooking, painting, badminton, or ballroom dancing. Invite a group of friends to go with you. These types of activities are good for camaraderie and building a sense of family. It also allows a safe place for men and women to interact together without feeling the pressures of romance. In addition, learning to do something new will enrich your life and possibly become a great form of recreation.

It is a group of people meeting together regularly, the purpose of which is to build-up and mentor one another, then reach out to others so that they too, can experience the love of Christ.

You may drop your name here so we could guide you in joining a D-Group.

Hands of prayersWe care for you. Place your prayer requests here and see how Lord Jesus Christ reveals His great power over you.

1 Peter 5: 6-7

6. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time,

7. casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

Congratz to John and Maan for having their first born baby!

Praise God!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we launch the newest ministry in CCF, our first first hosts will be John and Racquel.

May God use both of you mightily.